The Streets and Buraka Som Sistema figured out a really cool thing to do live. All on their own.
I'm back in London, and still fucking jet-lagged. I haven't done a single thing since I got back, I'm about 2 seconds away from starting to climb the walls. I've got interesting photo-stuff coming up this week, though. Unfortunately, I can't jinx anything on my stupid blog. I'll let you know next week. Sitting in front of my computer, waiting for my microwave pizza, not wanting to translate fucking Goonies, I can't help but think: There are so many people in the world having more fun than I am right now. It's ridiculous. On the other hand, there are even more people who have never seen either a microwave pizza or Goonies and who wouldn't even be able to read this. Fuck me for being simply bored and not being able to deal with it.
I woke up at 4.00 AM today because of the god damn fucking jet-lag(as if it would care when I cursed it's name) and decided to watch Sleepless in Seattle on VHS. I know, the whole scenario is more 20th century than sending people postcards. Anyways, the movie was above expectation, but one can hardly say that Annie is cute. She flies from Baltimore to Seattle, just to stand in the middle of the street, say "Hello" and then go back to Baltimore. That's not what a future lover does. That's what a fucking crazy person does. Even though the entertainment value of that movie is high, the morale of it is often misinterpreted. It's not "When two people are meant to be together, they can truly conquer all". It's really saying that "true love" is a consequence of an insane amount of persistence and cheap airfare.
By the way, here is a list of the best movie-babies:
1. Kevin from Home Alone

2. Ray from Jerry Maguire

4. Jonah from Sleepless in Seattle

4. Robin from Batman&Robin(At least he acted like a fucking baby throughout the movie)

5. Marcus from About a boy(all due to the haircut. bravo)

// R
p.s HOW could this song NOT win the Eurovision songcontest? I really hate Europe now. More than before.
Vinny in Eagle vs Shark.
HAHAHAHAHAHAH KOLLADE DU PÅ SLEEPLESS IN SEATTLE TILL SIST DIN JÄVEL?? HAHAHAHAHAHAHHAA!! fan vad jag fick kämpa för att ens få en GLIMT av den. SCREW YOU, så går du och kollar på den SJÄLV och påstår att den var bättre än förväntad????????? en miljon på att du kollade på dirty dancing också, fast du inte vågade erkänna!! tönt
btw, nästa gång du ser "about a boy" - tänk på hur HIMLA nathaniel den ungen är. asså han kan knappt se den själv för han mår så dåligt över hur lika dom är.
plus han som spelar ungen är ju med i skins (sett??) och där är han värsta svinet. och TYP snygg
men vafaaaan jag vaknade klockan 04.00 och visste inte vad jag skulle göra. Så jag kollade på SLEEPLESS IN SEATTLE. fan va jag behöver en flickvän asså.
hahaha VISST, skyll på det! shit asså, nästa gång jag väljer film så hålleru käft och glor för jag vet att du kommer göra det själv förr eller senare!!
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