Did you guys hear that N.E.R.D, Julian Casablancas and Santogold are making a song together? That has to be the mother of all random collaborations. Also, I don't really see the potential in it, it feels way too The Hives vs. Timbaland. I guess we'll have to see. Oh, and I'm giving the new Coldplay album a test-listen in a bit. My hopes aren't very high. You know how guys are scared of admitting it when other guys are awesome? I feel like that rule doesn't always work. What I mean is, there are some guys that are just so awesome that you have to admit it. It doesn't matter if you're a biker, hockey player, junkie or David bowie. There's just no denying that Chris Martin is an undeniable bad ass.
In other "news", the corporation called Snappy Snapps here in London have apparently been fucking me in the ear for about 6 months now. They charge like 10 pounds to put a roll of film on CD(about 20 dollars, as opposed to 5 dollars at Wahlgreen's). Today, I found out that Boots does the same thing, for 6 pounds. I'm not happy about this. Not happy at all. I probably won't be posting any pictures until I get back from Paris.
Fluro did an article/interview on me. They kind of misinterpreted my answers, but whatever. I guess sarcasm doesn't transfer as well digitally. Steer over to www.fluromag.com to download a PDF. Or you could buy the actual magazine, your call.

This just in, another interesting collaboration is taking shape on the other side of the Atlantic. Apparently, Lil Jon, Stephen King and Mickey Mouse are making a song together. Can't wait.
assisting and editing: GHAZAL AMIN!! yeah! hihi
jinx mode din tönt, pffffff
årets kupp
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