Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Jonsson this, Jonsson that.

I have the worlds ugliest last name. It's worse than ugly names, there's just nothing happening. If I'm ever going to be remotely famous, I need to change it. I'm thinking something either aerial(Robbin Airwolf, Robbin Hawk etc) or something mythical(Robbin Dragon, Robbin Narnia). Yupp, that would definitely put me on A-lists worldwide. I mean, do you think any of these people would have been remotely famous if they shared my name?

Clint Jonsson
Tupac Jonsson
Malcolm X Jonsson
Yves-Saint Jonsson
George W Jonsson
The artist formerly known as Jonsson
Jack Johnson
Ho chi Jonsson
Tiger Jonsson

No fucking way, Jose(Jonsson).

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