I'm a real lazy-ass who doesn't do anything for other people unless he has something to gain for himself(an excellent quality, I KNOW)
I very much enjoy making lists
I enjoy reading about famous people on Wikipedia.
The last part is actually what this is about. I spent some time procrastinating last night, being on wikipedia instead of working. I found these interesting facts:
The tongue of a blue whale weighs 4,7 tons, about the same as Michael Moore.
Christian Bale gained 100 pounds in six months to play Batman, which is fucking incredible.
Billy the kid died when he was 21, having killed 21 people and being the leader of a notorious gang. What would you expect, he was Irish. Personally, I would definitely compare myself to Billy the Kid, we are both short, we both wear glasses(although, I don't need mine) and we both need to shoot people in the face to be taken seriously.
The last one is by far the most interesting one. Everyone knows about the legend of Julius Caesar and how he was killed. He was betrayed by the senate and more importantly, by his friend Brutus. This epic tale of treachery came into a different light last night when I happened to read about Caesars lovers. These included Cleopatra, Caesars wives AND Brutus' mother. And so, the everlasting saga of the murder of Julius Caesar really isn't that complicated. If one of my friends slept with my mom, I'd fucking kill him too.

The worlds first MILF-hunter. HAHA classic.
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