Thursday, September 13, 2007

Crazy Frog

I couple of nights ago, I woke up because there was a loud BANG! on our door. I was a bit delirious at the time and somehow construed that someone had broken into our house. SO, what to do? I tried to stay calm and to remain rational about this. Priorities:

1. Hide my laptop & camera(I hid them under my pillow, they'll NEVER look there.)
2. Find something to hit the intruders with. This item being my laundry-detergent. I would probably cause as much damage with that thing as a carebear on ecstasy.
3. Find a suitable hiding-spot. Since I consider myself to be quite stealth, I hid behind the door. Also, because I don't have any fucking furniture to hide behind.
4. Wait for any unsuspecting fool to step into my kingdom of mayhem.

So I waited behind the door for about 10 minutes before I realised that a car might have backfired.

I told this story to a friend of mine who said: "I didn't know you had a laptop." Yes, I do and that was definitely the crazy part of that 10-minute story. Dead on.

Overall, a nice day today. I have an internship interview in Tribeca.

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