I bought the new Lula today, you guys should really check it out, if they sell it in your city. If you're in New York, they definitely have it in the best magazine shop I've ever been to. I'm not sure what it's called but it's on Prince st between Thompson and Sullivan. The only thing that sucks, is that you can't sit down and read the magazines there, since it's a shop, not a café. But in terms of fashion & photography magazines, they have everything, seriously. That place is like what heaven would be like if it actually existed.

Also, plans for next summer are already being made. I'm not sure it's possible, but 2009 might actually top 2008. Two awesome roadtrips might be involved, but we're still waiting on confirmation from important, yet not very likely participants(Seth McFarlane, Amanda Lepore & Sting).

Tip of the day: Do the truffle-shuffle.

I have so many pictures on my computer that you guys haven't seen. Maybe I should post them?
ja tack!
om amanda lepore confirmar så holla at me! jag vill peta på hennes tuttar.
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