-An animal that is nearly extinct. So that I can keep him/her alive.
-A re-adoption invite. From Google Inc, if possible.
-Another Tattoo.
-A mini-camera that specializes in filming how the fuck your headphones always tangle up in your pocket, even if you haven't moved an inch.
-The same thing, but this camera captures how one always manages to loose at least one sock while doing laundry.
-A free plane-ticket to Vietnam. So that I can mail it to Obama's charming opponent.
-For someone to bring back The Face.
-For someone to make Brit-pop popular again, and then credit me.
-A midget entourage, riding on those wolf-things from Lord of the rings, singing my theme-song.
-A basketball.
-A slide that goes from my door to Gothenburg, so I can hang out with my best bud. Preferably a spiral slide.
I think that should cover it.

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