Sorry I haven't updated you guys in a while. I've done two shoots, one turned out alright, the other ones so-so. For obvious reasons, I can't show them here, but when the magazines hit the stands, I'll let you know where you can get them. To make up for the lack of updates, here are some disposables from the last week or so. In other news, I despise blogspots picture-upload-thingy. Also, my birthday is coming up. You may send all presents to Brooklyn, New York. Here is my wish-list:
-An animal that is nearly extinct. So that I can keep him/her alive.
-A re-adoption invite. From Google Inc, if possible.
-Another Tattoo.
-A mini-camera that specializes in filming how the fuck your headphones always tangle up in your pocket, even if you haven't moved an inch.
-The same thing, but this camera captures how one always manages to loose at least one sock while doing laundry.
-A free plane-ticket to Vietnam. So that I can mail it to Obama's charming opponent.
-For someone to bring back The Face.
-For someone to make Brit-pop popular again, and then credit me.
-A midget entourage, riding on those wolf-things from Lord of the rings, singing my theme-song.
-A basketball.
-A slide that goes from my door to Gothenburg, so I can hang out with my best bud. Preferably a spiral slide.
I think that should cover it.