I seriously doubt that any fashion photographer will ever be able to top Guy Bourdin. It's like no man will ever be as good looking as James Dean. It's not possible. My mom told me something that's a little bit funny(with an emphasis on "little bit"). I didn't get into photography until pretty late in my life. When I did, Helmut Newton was my first personal favorite. I told my mom that and she said that she took me to a Helmut Newton exhibition in Gothenburg when I was little. That was the whole story. If I wasn't me, I'm pretty sure I wouldn't even like me.
I saw Cloverfield last night. Surprisingly good, actually. At the moment, I choose to reside among "easy" movies(Juno, Garden State, Notting Hill, everything that's in the gray zone of what's straight/gay). Also, I tried taking the stickers off my mac. I'm now left with a glue-y mess that looks like a mix between Tjernobyl '86, Sex pistols-feces and the robot from the Intergalactic-video. Swell. Anyways, some Bourdin for your viewing pleasure.

1 comment:
fantastiskt fina foton !
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