Don't get me wrong, I love Super Mario. Of course, he is fat and obnoxious but who isn't, right? Well, I'm not. At least not fat. Anyways, while playing the exquisite masterpiece that is Super Mario Bros 3, I came to some conclusions. To save you all some time, I can tell you right now that none of them are coherent, nor are they relevant.
The person who spawned the whole concept for this game was, without a doubt, high on some form of illegal substances. Take the significance of the Mushroom in the game. A mushroom makes you big, it gives you life, your little helper has a mushroom HAT(this being exhibit #1. Why the fuck does he wear a mushroom hat?) etc etc. We all know that in real life, all mushrooms do is give your dog a rash.
I mean seriously, if you saw someone who looked like this, what would you say that he's just been up to?
A. Done drugs
B. Escaped from a mental institution
C. Gotten a blow-job from Orlando Bloom

Ghazal just walked in and she is bothering me, I can't concentrate. I might have to actually play the game instead. I'll update you shortly.

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