M.I.A's "new" album, entitled "Kala", is horrible. When it comes to music, I'd say it's as close to an abomination as you could possibly get. It is a slap in the face of rythm, in fact. The beats are really complicated. And not Feadz-complicated, I'm talking fucking Rainman-level. There is no reason or rime, you can't hear shit of what that lady is trying to squeak and the best song on the album is less interesting than taking a pregnancy test right before going into the gas chamber. It basically sounds like John Lennon inhaled helium and made a bet with Ringo that he could create something so far away from music, it could actually be intepreted as a combination between white noise and dinosaur-sex. After John won the bet, Ringo shot John in the face.

Glad to have gotten that off my chest. The new Radiohead album(no, I'm not suicidal nor wanting a sex change) is great. Melancholic rythm at its best. I've never been a fan of Radiohead, since I rarely host funeral-parties, but this album really knocked me off my feet. You can just feel that there is a certain level of professionalism involved. Great job, in short.
Halloween is coming up, I still haven't decided what/who I'm going as. Valeria is going as the oompa-loompa and liked my idea of going as the cookie monsters retarded brother. However, I feel that the cookie-monster might already be retarded, hence, his retarded brother would be in a coma and I can't afford a mobile hospital bed. Another suggestion would be hooking up with someone and going as Ike&Tina Turner. She'd wear a wig and I'd simply wear a wifebeater. Maybe I should go as Batman, just so that I can introduce myself as Robin? In the end, I'll probably be totally unoriginal and go as Steve Urkel or young Michael Jackson.

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