We're still in Santa Barbara with Max, although he left to go watch a softball game with Sheila, so it's just me and Linus. I think the plan is to meet up with Jakob on Wednesday, then conduct a road trip to San Diego etc from the 15th to the 20th. Then we might visit Holly in L.A before splitting up, I'll go to San Francisco again, Jakob & Linus are going to New York. I'm not sure, I just know that I have to translate a stupid fucking feature for a Disney movie and that sucks.
NOW, to a more urgent issue. What mythical creatures would I prefer to ride? I'm currently reading the Narnia books, and Aslan is definitely one of them. Also, definitely Shere Khan from The jungle book. Number one would obviously be the dog-ish creature from Neverending story, you know the one that looks like a mix between a dog, Mick Jagger and a retard.
CVS fucked up the development of my last pictures, you'll have to wait until next week to see them. I hate CVS, I'm definitely naming my kid Wahlgreen's. Last night, me and Linus listened to a couple of Swedish classics. Everyone who is not from Sweden: I wouldn't click the video below, I'm just saying.
p.s I'm naming my dog Cornelius. For sure.
"NOW, to a more urgent issue. What mythical creatures would I prefer to ride?"
I love you.
"sarah" är så mycket bättre.
SHIT. jag insåg just vad "shere khan" betyder. shere=lejon på persiska (även mjölk men det skiter vi i nu) och khan=TYP kung fast inte riktigt, men ändå nån mäktig.
så liksom lejonkung!!! och det är ju ett lejon!! amagad, titta på mig - jag kan persiska!!
(obs, ovanstående är ingen diss mot varken shere khan, världens lejon och persiskan. så alla internetspioner kan pusta ut!)
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